In Case You Missed It

 Empowering community radio stations in Malawi
November 27, 2023, Lucy Isaac
Empowering community radio stations in Malawi

Featured Biography

 Ishmael B.M. Kosamu
Prof Ishmael B.M. Kosamu - Deputy Vice Chancellor

City & Guilds and CISCO Courses August- November Intake - Call for Applications

Academic   School of Science and Technology   June 21, 2024

The CSIS Department is pleased to announce the commencement of Applied Information Technology, City and Guilds and CISCO courses as follows:


City and Guilds

  • Technician Diploma in Applied Information Technology with emphasis in System Support.
  • Technician Advanced Diploma in Applied Information Technology with emphasis in System Support.



  • CCNAv7 - 1 Introduction to Networks (ITN)
  • CCNAv7 - 2 Switching, Routing, and Wireless Essentials (SRWE)
  • CCNAv7 - 3 Enterprise Networking, Security and Automation (ENSA)
  • IT Essentials: PC Hardware and Software


Entry Requirements

  • IT-Essentials and Diploma course: Malawi School Certificate of Education (MSCE)
  • Advanced Diploma course: Diploma in Computer Studies
  • CCNA: IT-Essentials or Diploma in ICT


Class time  

  • City and Guilds: Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm.
  • CISCO ITE AND CCNA courses: Saturdays and Sundays from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm.


Application Process

All those interested and meet the entry requirements are invited to come on Friday, 2nd August, 2024 at 09:30 am for Orientation and Registration with at least 50% of the tuition fees.

Classes will commence on Saturday, 3rd August, 2024. Interested candidates are requested to complete application forms which can be collected from the secretary - CSIS Department, ODeL building, Third Floor, Office number 406 before the Orientation day.


Tuition Fees should be payable to:

“CISCO Networking Academy”

Standard Bank,

Ginnery Corner Branch,

Acc No: 9100003117593


Submit deposit slips directly to the Departmental Secretary and be informed that once fees paid is not refundable.



Course Coordinator, CSIS Department,Private Bag 303, Chichiri, Blantyre 3

Mob: +265-(0)- 888967103 Email:




The Secretary, CSIS Department, Private Bag 303, Chichiri, Blantyre 3

Tel: +265-(0)1-870411  Mob: +265-(0)- 999456455  Email:

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