School of Science and Technology

Contacts | 0111871637 |
General Background
The School of Science and Technology offers a wide range of diverse academic programmes within its four departments. In total, there are over 41 programs, including certificates, diplomas, bachelor’s, master’s, and doctoral degrees. The School achieves its commitment to the highest quality education by maintaining a rigorous focus on academic excellence through applied science research and using innovative and flexible technology-based instruction models to enhance our signature areas: industrial laboratory technology, food science and technology, industrial physics, environmental management and technology, software engineering, information systems and IT, Cybersecurity, Robotics engineering, artificial intelligence, public and environmental health sciences, mathematical and statistical sciences, consumer sciences and actuarial sciences. Through teaching, research, and community engagement, the school’s rich and diverse research expertise and its current multicultural student-centered focus provide a firm foundation for its endeavors. It serves the needs and aspirations of individuals and society; producing graduates for leadership roles in science and technology.
Specific Capabilities of the School
- Physics and Biochemical Sciences: Environmental conservation and remediation; Energy Technologies and Industry; Food processing and preservation; Hydrogeology and Hydro-geochemistry; Geophysics; Atmospheric Quality; Instrumentation, industrial chemical technology, Laboratory Management.
- Public and Environmental Health Sciences: Occupational health and safety; Epidemiological and disease modelling; Food quality, safety and hygiene; Public Health Promotion and Management.
- Mathematical Sciences: Numerical analysis and scientific computing; Mathematical finance; Mathematical Modelling; Mathematical Biology; Statistical Modelling; Data Analysis; Consumer and Actuarial sciences.
- Computer Science and Information Systems: Cybersecurity; Artificial intelligence and machine learning; ICT education and eSchools (ICT enabled teaching and learning); Natural language processing; Network automation; Cloud computing and high-performance computing; Software engineering; Robotics engineering; hardware engineering; Information Systems design, development and implementation; health informatics
- Research, capacity building and outreach in Water, Sanitation and Health and Appropriate Technology Development (WASHTED) for rural households in Malawi.
Academic Members of Staff
Educated in Malawi and abroad, the dedicated academic members of staff under this faculty do not only teach modules in their respective departments but also service departments in other schools at MUBAS. Notably, they conduct research that is both theoretical and practical. Also, they are actively involved in collaborative efforts with non-governmental organizations, Malawi government, foreign governments, and faculty at other universities. Research conducted by academic members of staff in this faculty has been published in national and international journals.
The Centre for Water, Sanitation, Health and Appropriate Technology Development (WASHTED) is housed under this school. The importance and relevance of this centre to research and other collaborative consultancies cannot be overemphasized. It has a team of researchers assembled from virtually every school at MUBAS. Moreover, although the centre operates from the main campus at MUBAS in Blantyre, its impact has a national and global reach, as it is engaged in issues to do with access to potable water, sanitation, hygiene, and renewable energy & amp; technologies, to name a few.
School of Science and Technology Programmes
- Diploma in Industrial Laboratory Technology
- Bachelor of Science in Environmental Health
- Bachelor of Science in Environmental Management & Technology
- Bachelor of Science in Industrial Laboratory Technology
- Bachelor of Science in Information Technology
- Bachelor of Science in Management Information Systems
- Master of Science in Water Resources and Supply Management (MWRSM)
- Master of Science in Environmental Protection and Management (MEPM)
- Master of Science in Environmental Health (MEH)
- Master of Philosophy in Applied Sciences (Industrial Process Technology)
- PhD in Applied Sciences (Environmental Protection and Management)
- Master of Philosophy in Applied Sciences (Environmental Health)
- PhD and Master of Philosophy in Applied Sciences (Environmental Sanitation)
- PhD and Master of Philosophy in Applied Sciences (Renewable Energy)
- PhD in Applied Sciences (Public Health Engineering)
- PhD in Applied Sciences (Information Technology)
- Bachelor of Science in Mathematical Sciences Education (Mathematics and Computing)
- Bachelor of Science in Mathematical Sciences Education (Mathematics and Statistics)
- Bachelor of Science in Mathematical Sciences Education (Statistics and Computing)
- PhD in Applied Sciences (Industrial Process Technology)
- Bachelor of Science in Food Science and Technology
- Doctor of Philosophy in Applied Statistics
- Doctor of Philosophy in Applied Mathematics
- Master of Philosophy in Applied Mathematics
- Master of Science in Sanitation
- Bachelor of Science in Industrial and Environmental Physics
- Bachelor of Science in Occupational Safety and Health
- Diploma in Occupational Safety and Health
- Certificate in Food Preservation
- Certificate in Food Processing and Value Addition