In Case You Missed It

July 10, 2024, Open, Distance And E-Learning
2024/2025 Intake for ODeL Programmes - Call for Applications

Featured Biography

Dorothy Eneya
Dr Dorothy Eneya - University Librarian

KWERA 2022 call for applications to become a student climber

Announcement   ACADEMICS   July 7, 2022

Established in Malawi in 2017, Kwera is an education fund, owned by a Danish SocialEnterprise. Kwera contributes to what Africa needs for the next generation to achieve

their dreams and for Africa to experience the economic development it has the potentialto. We finance higher education for students enrolled at local universities, develop theiremployability and entrepreneurship skills. Kwera uniquely finances students enrolling at University of Malawi (UNIMA), Mzuzu University (MZUNI), Malawi University of Scienceand Technology (MUST), Lilongwe University of Natural Resources (LUANAR), KamuzuUniversity of Health Sciences (KUHeS) and Malawi University of Business and AppliedSciences (MUBAS). The institutions are at a minimum accredited by the National Council for Higher Education (NCHE).

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  • students

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September 12, 2020, Hazviperi Mbizi
Poly to introduce E- Learning
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