List of Successful Applicants for December 2021 Intake Postgraduate Programmes

Announcement   Postgraduate Department   November 22, 2021

The Malawi University of Business and Applied Sciences (MUBAS) is pleased to announce the names of successful applicants who applied for the respective Postgraduate programmes below. MUBAS further announces that these applicants will begin their classes in December, 2021. Below are the orientation details;

Date: 6th December, 2021

Venue: MUBAS- ICT, ODeL Auditorium

Time: 09:00 am


MUBAS DOES NOT make phone calls to successful applicants, demanding upfront payment of their tuition. MUBAS only talks about fees issues through proper face to face channels like during its orientations. Further to that, all fees issues including bank details are clearly outlined in the offer letters that MUBAS sends to its students. Should you therefore, receive any of such calls from anyone demanding payment of your tuition, please, do not hesitate to contact the Registrar, Assistant Registrar Academic or the Dean of Postgraduate Studies respectively as follow;

Tel + (265) 1 870 648/0999 968 971/0885 400 373 OR Email:;;;

Download the Document below for more details:

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