Opening of the Second Semester of 2018/2019 Academic Year

Announcement   Registrar   August 22, 2018

The Polytechnic Management would like to welcome you all as you return to continue with your studies for the remaining part of this academic year. Please take note of the following important information:


  • 27th August 2018 - Classes begin
  • 27th Aug. – 9th Sept. 2018 - Registration 
  • 9th Sept. 2018  - Registration closes
  • 1st - 5th October 2018 - Mid-semester Examinations
  • 23rd November 2018 - Teaching ends
  • 11th November 2018 - Release of Examination numbers
  • 26th -30th Nov. 2018 - Study week
  • 3rd - 14th Dec. 2018 - End of Semester 2 examinations


Every student is expected to register through SMIS, if one is to remain a student of the University of Malawi. Registration period is strictly 2 weeks from 27th August 2018 to 9th September 2018.  

Please be reminded that you can access SMIS anywhere (within and outside campus) however, you can also register from the following computer labs; 

  • Library 
  • Civil Engineering department
  • Mechanical Engineering department

Late Registration 

Students who will register later than 9th September 2018 will pay late registration fee of MK200.00 per day up to 15th September 2018.

Please note that registration is online and therefore NO STUDENT is expected to miss classes on assumption of attending to registration issues during class periods. 

The Policy of the University of Malawi is “no fees no registration”, only those students who would have paid the required fees will be allowed to register within the registration period thereafter; no more registration will be allowed. You are reminded to take the registration process very seriously.


Students who are repeating modules in the second semester are advised to meet the Assistant Registrar (Academic) before registration to verify the modules they are repeating. As per rules and regulations such students are required to meet the cost of their studies.

Important: Students who were repeating modules in the first semester only are required to register for second semester although they are not going to attend classes this semester.


All students are informed that payment of fees should be made through their assigned bank account available in SMIS:

Students are required to submit proof of payment in form of deposit slip to the College Cashier and a receipt shall be issued.

Please include student name, program/course of study and year of study on the deposit slip.  Please note that the college does not accept cash or cheque payments for fees.


The College Assessment committee meeting with meet on 30th August to consider end of semester 1 examination results. These results will be accessed through SMIS by logging in into your respective SMIS account, under assessments. Hard copies of exam results notification letters will be collected through the heads of your academic department.

All students who will be advised through the exam results notification letters, to see their Deans of faculties or Heads of departments should do so within the first two weeks after release of examinations. 


Time table for the second semester will posted on the notice board and can also be accessed from The Polytechnic website. Please take note of the details and attend classes as scheduled. 


Be informed that you will be able to access your semester 2 examination numbers from 11th November 2018. You will access this examination number only after completing your fees balance.


Yamikani Chilinde (Mrs)


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