Teamwork is paramount - Nthala

Article   Hazviperi Mbizi   July 29, 2019
PIC: Nthala
The swearing in of the newly elected Polytechnic Students Union (PSU) members saw the former president Japhet Nthala undertaking a hand over ceremony to the incumbent president Kunozga Mlowoka.

 In an exclusive interview, the fourth year Bachelor of Arts in Education and Business Studies, Japhet Nthala shared his experience as PSU president, which he describes as a, mixed bag.

 “I have handled pressure, lacked peace sometimes, due to the fact that whenever something good or bad happens I am the guy pointed out,” Nthala explained.

 He further explained that he has learned to be confident and bold in handling situations.

 “It has been a wonderful experience, personally, I did not have the character of being interactive with people but now I do, because they put trust in me,” he said.

 On the achievements, the former presidents explained that his team has managed to maintain uninterrupted water supply by introducing water tanks in hostels in an event of water scarcity.

 “We have managed to work hand in hand with the office of the Dean of students in liaising that a good number of students who applied for loans be considered. In addition, currently, we are running an ‘SMS’ promotion in collaboration with the Alumni Association in order to assist the needy students,’ Nthala added.

Backing this up is a second year Industrial Laboratory student Chikondi Joseph who is one of the needy students. He commended Nthala and his team for donating clothes and other items to the needy students, which he says, came in handy.

Speaking of challenges, Nthala pointed out the recent demonstrations citing that these could have been avoided.

“Working with students has taught me that some of them make conclusions on issues without verifying. For example the issue of the Polytechnic name change, they think that PSU had accepted it yet that was not the case,” he elaborated.

The former Director of Health and Sanitation Innocent Mndala described Nthala as a God fearing leader who led by involving others and always open for views and willing to accept change.



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