Our facilities, Your facilities

News   Bester Nyang'wa   April 12, 2021
PIC: MUBAS Netball team
In a testament to its commitment to community development, the Malawi University of Business and Applied Sciences (MUBAS) keeps its sports facilities open to members of the local community, creating a vibrant hub for sports enthusiasts. We have since time immemorial become a go-to destination for various groups, including neighbouring schools and corporate teams, looking to benefit from the university's well-maintained sports infrastructure.

Blantyre Baptist Schools, a nearby primary and secondary school, has found a valuable partner in MUBAS. The school utilises the university's sports facilities for various activities, enhancing their students' physical education programs. This collaborative effort not only supports the school's sports curriculum but also strengthens the bonds between the academic institutions. Furthermore, the Malawi National Council of Sports utilizes MUBAS's football grounds for the training of the Malawi Under-17 National Football Team, showcasing the university's role as a hub for community engagement and sports development.

Additionally, MUBAS plays host to Standard Bank's volleyball and netball teams, offering them a conducive environment for training and competitions. In a reciprocal gesture, these teams contribute to the upkeep of MUBAS grounds, as well as dress our netball team, ensuring a symbiotic relationship that benefits both the university and the corporate teams.

Recognising the importance of grassroots sports, MUBAS has also opened its football pitch to social football clubs in Blantyre. These clubs, comprising local enthusiasts, are granted access at a minimal fee, covering only the essential maintenance costs of the pitch. Importantly, MUBAS adopts a non-profit approach, emphasizing community engagement over financial gain. This inclusive approach aligns with our broader mission to not only provide quality education but also to be a catalyst for positive community impact. By sharing our sports facilities, we are fostering a sense of community, promoting physical well-being, and contributing to the overall development of sports in the region.

  • TAGS
  • recreational
  • partnership
  • health

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