Call for Papers - Malawi Journal of Applied Sciences and Innovation (MJASI)

Announcement   Faculty of Applied Sciences   May 2, 2018

The Malawi Journal of Applied Sciences and Innovation (MJASI) is calling for original research and review articles as detailed below. MJASI is a publication of University of Malawi, The Polytechnic, Faculty of Applied Sciences. 

MJASI’s policy is to disseminate, as widely as possible, well written, high quality articles on findings of applied scientific research, in such subject areas as Applied Biology, Applied Physics, Artificial Intelligence, Biochemistry, Built Environment, Information and Communication Technologies, Community Health, Computer Science, Ecology, Energy, Engineering, Entomology, Environment, Epidemiology, E-Services, Food Safety & Hygiene, Food Technology, Grid Computing, Infectious Diseases, Information Systems, Mathematics & Statistics, Microbiology, Nanotechnology, Nutrition, Occupational Health and Safety, Robotics, Telecommunications, Water Supply and Sanitation, Web Technology. The journal is accredited by the University of Malawi. All submissions to MJASI are peer reviewed using the set criteria of relevance, quality, importance, originality, clarity and adherence to the journal's aims and scope.

Journal Editor in Chief
Chikumbusko Chiziwa Kaonga, PhD
Faculty of Applied Sciences, University of Malawi, The Polytechnic,
P/Bag 303, Chichiri, Blantyre 3, Malawi.
Telephone: +265 1 870 411
Fax: +265 1 870 578


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