Final year Journalism students in symposium awareness campaign
In an interview, Symposium Committee Chairperson, Gary Samati, said they held their first charity work at The Polytechnic main campus in appreciation of what the college community has done to them during their four-year stay on campus and that they believe in the saying “charity begins at home”.
Samati further said the students have decided to raise some funds for holding the symposium on their own before approaching potential sponsors.
“As a class, we realized the need of conducting charity and fundraising activities before we start approaching sponsors or partners to fund our 2019 symposium. This is the reason we are here at The Polytechnic main campus, washing every car regardless of whether we will get paid or not,” the symposium chairperson said.
He added that the class has planned to hold many charity and fundraising activities towards their symposium.
“Among other activities, we will be visiting orphan care centres, conduct digital media awareness campaign and hold career guidance sessions for secondary school students,” Samati said.
He then appealed to all well-wishers out there to support their cause with any form of sponsorship, be it in cash or kind. Those willing to assist should contact the Symposium Committee Chairperson on: 265881885512