Kadewere Sworn in
The auspicious ceremony which marked Kadewere’s official tenure for 2020/2021 PSU presidency comes barely after two weeks when he reclaimed his victory in a fresh presidential elections.
In an oath-taking session, Kadewere swore to truly and faithfully execute the office of the president of the Students’ Council to the best of his ability.
“I would like to express my appreciation to fellow students for entrusting me with this position. PSU acts as a bridge between management and students. A good representation of students starts with a good student union. Having jumped into a moving train, I want to assure fellow PSU members that my coming in will not compromise anything. I ask for your support to work hand in hand to serve our Mighty MUBAS and transform it to greater heights” reads the President’s acceptance speech in part.
The acting principal, Associate Professor Nancy Chitera, congratulated Kadewere’s election triumph and urged the president and the entire PSU body to exercise servant leadership and manage position with a spirit of teamwork.
She further challenged the president and mature student representative, Davie Malakasi, who was also part of the swearing in to rise above fellow students and execute their duties in the best interest of all.
The acting dean of students, Dr Gertrude Sitolo Banda echoed Dr Chitera’s remarks, highlighting that unless integrity and servant leadership be the president’s core values, he will neither command respect and trust among students nor build a new reputation for MUBAS