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Dorothy Eneya
Dr Dorothy Eneya - University Librarian

PSU Launches Wadia Magazine

News   Hazviperi Mbizi   December 7, 2018
PIC: Wadiya magazine cover page
The Polytechnic Students Union will on Saturday December 8 launch its first edition of the Wadiya Magazine via online outlets.

According to the Director of Publication and Publicity Joseph Kaluzi, the magazine aims at informing and entertaining the Polytechnic Community on issues around the campus.

“The magazine after the launch on Saturday, will be accessible in soft copies at the campus tuck shop printing area, while others can access it at the College library in both soft and hard copy formats,” Kaluzi said

The first edition is comprised of stories from health, beauty, entertainment and sports.

Concurring with Kaluzi, the chief editor of the magazine Andrew Viano said the PSU council came up with the idea of introducing the magazine to keep abreast the students with information around campus.

“The launch has been delaying because the Magazine does not have sponsors as of yet, so we have failed to produce many hard copies,” Viano explained.

The editorial team comprises of the Chief Editor Andrew Viano, Herbert Mwangoka and Tikhala Isaac as designers, Brenda Sanudi, Happy Mwaungulu and Anna Chinseu are reporters.

 However,Viano added that contributions, articles, for the next edition, is open to all students.

Wadia name comes from the nickname of the Polytechnic institution which has been there for over five years.

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