PhD and Master of Philosophy in Applied Sciences (Environmental Sanitation)
PhD and Master of Philosophy in Applied Sciences (Environmental Sanitation)
School of Science and Technology
4 years
Doctorate Degree
Criteria for Admission
The School of Science and Technology will ensure that prospective research students have access to the detailed information about the programme. The information will be relayed through advertisements on graduate research opportunities, through departmental literature, or during the promotion of a specific funded research award.
The minimum information will include that:
- The broad academic area within which the research activity may be undertaken is public health engineering and, where appropriate, a more detailed project description and at least two name(s) of the proposed supervisor(s);
- The candidate has an MSc or MPhil in natural Science;
- Duration of the research degree is 3 years with possible extension of 1 year for full-time students, and 5 years with possible extension of 2 years for part-time students;
- The resources, including supervision, which the College will make available to research students.
- The fees payable by the prospective students, or that which would be paid on their behalf by a sponsor such as a research council or industrial/commercial partner shall be US$10,000 tuition and a guideline figure of US$10,000 for research;
- Where appropriate, the type and likely monetary value of any research award, and any restrictions or conditions attached to such an award.
- Where agencies external to the University might be involved in providing funding or other assistance, the department will clearly indicate whether or not monetary or other assistance has actually been secured;
- The administrative stages which are involved in the research project following acceptance.
- The departmental contact point for further information.
Entry Requirements
- Applicants for PhD programmes must have a relevant Master's or MPhil. degree from an accredited higher education institution.
- Applicants for MPhil. programmes must have a honours degree in the first or upper second division or Bachelor's degree with an average grade of at least 55%. The average grade is computed based on final year grades. For applicants with grade point average (GPA) grades, the requirement is a minimum GPA of 2.5.
- Candidates with a Bachelor's degree will be required to accumulate 60 credits of taught modules relevant to the selected MPhil. research area.
Application and Selection of Candidates
The application procedure and selection of candidates is guided by the requirements stipulated in section 3 of the General Postgraduate Regulations Handbook of The Malawi University of Business and Applied Sciences (GPRH).